Customer Support

Instruction video

  • Preparation

  • Sensor setup

FAQ After purchase

After purchase

Q.The lid doesn’t move.

A. Please try this below:

  • Turn on the main power button
  • Turn on/off the manual power button
  • Change the batteries with brand new ones

Q.The lid doesn’t close

1. Is there any obstacle within the lid range?
It closes within about 4 seconds, but if there is anything there, the lid remains open. So please check it.

2. Have you pressed the manual power button?
Press once again, and wait for a bit to see if it closes automatically again.

Q.The lid opens unintentionally.

It’s because the sensor range is wide. So just adjust it to a narrower setting.

Q.The lid doesn’t close (when you place it under the counter).

The counter might be within the sensor range. So just adjust it to a narrower setting.

Q.I want the lid open faster.

It’s because the sensor range is narrow. So just adjust it to a wider setting.

Q.The lid doesn’t close fully, or doesn’t close symmetrically.

Please check if the wings open/close fully, or if there is anything between the wings and the body. It’s also better to clean by taking out the wings.

Q.The lid opens / closes slowly.

The batteries may be almost dead, so please change them. The red lamp flashes for 7 seconds (green when normal) if so. When the batteries are completely dead, the lamp is gone.


  • Warranty term

    Warranty term

    1 year
    (from the delivery date)

  • How to claim

    How to claim

    Replacement/Repair with no charge
    Out of Warranty:
    Replacement/Repair with charge

    *Replacement or repair is depending on the Manufacturer's judgment

    * Only ZitA purchasers can purchase a lid after the warranty expires. Click here to purchase a lid.

  • Condition


    • Defection caused by the manufacturer
    • Not being converted and modified by users

    * Accident, improper care, carelessness, normal wear and tear, or natural decomposition of materials over time are not applicable.


You can return ZitA for a full refund if you aren't satisfied.

These cases below apply:

  • It doesn't suit your interior.
  • You aren't satisfied with its quality.
  • It’s actually not what you imagined.
  • You have already opened the package.
  • The size is not your ideal.

Condition of return

  • Within 30 days from the arrival date
  • No damage from / by the user(s)
  • Postage fee is paid by the user(s)

Please submit your inquiry here:

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Customer Support

Please seek assistance for any issue on ZitA here.
Our customer support will answer your inquiry.

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